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The Running of the WIPs
Show notes:Lani returns to the How Story Works mic to update everyone on her novels-in-progress and announce a new 10-month writing challenge designed to help writers ...

First Episodes
What Story Is
In this introduction to the new How Story Works podcast, award-winning and New York Times bestselling author Lani Diane Rich starts all listeners, writers and non-writ...

The Hitchhiker
In this episode of How Story Works podcast, I expand upon the definition of story to include the intended effect of stories, and separate out the differences between s...

What Meaning Means
In this episode of How Story Works podcast, I talk about meaning in storytelling, and how to not freak out about it.

The “Rules”
In this episode of How Story Works podcast, I talk about narrative theory, the role of the "rules," and how to find the balance between free-wheeling and white-knuckli...

The Unbalanced Force
In this episode of How Story Works podcast, we begin our work understanding conflict, delve into the differences between narrative conflict and mundane conflict, and v...